Contact Us + Inquiry Options

Thanks for stopping by! Are you looking to add or sponsor a listing? Need support for something else? All those contact options are covered below.

Add your listing (company and/or trips) to our directory

Not listed and looking to add your guiding company and/or your trips? Awesome! We’re excited to get them added for you. All listings are free, guide companies, and all of your trips! Just email with your contact details and we’ll email you a link to the forms where you can submit for your company and trip listings.

Sponsor a listing (company and/ or trip listings)

Looking to sponsor a company or trip listing? That’s a smart move! Our sponsored listings are designed to be fair and beneficial for all. Sponsoring a listing is just $50 per month - per activity and location - and only shows when your trip is within 50 miles of a user’s search. So, you can be confident that your listing will be seen by the right audience every time.

Email our customer support team at to get your listings sponsored today.

Contact Us

Looking for information about us or need help with something else? We’re happy to help! Just email and someone will be in touch with you shortly.

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