Diamond Caverns

Diamond Caverns: A Glittering Gem Beneath Kentucky Diamond Caverns, located in Park City, Kentucky, is a haven for explorers and nature lovers seeking a glimpse into the wonders of the underground world. Here’s what you can expect: History: Discovered in 1859, Diamond Caverns boasts over 165 years of welcoming visitors. Today, it’s known as one of Kentucky’s most stunning cave systems, showcasing a rich history. Natural Beauty: Prepare to be mesmerized by the cave’s dazzling array of formations. Glistening stalactites and stalagmites, towering columns, delicate drapery formations, and sparkling flowstone paint the cavern walls in a mesmerizing display of natural art.


1900 Mammoth Cave Parkway Park City, KY 42160


(270) 749-2233 https://www.diamondcaverns.com/


  • Kentucky
  • Mammoth Cave National Park


  • Adventure
  • Caving

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