Frank House Guide Service

As winter approaches, schedule your Area 25 bear hunt. Life-long area resident who has guided for 20+ years, Frank House offers the knowledge, skill and advanced preparation to give you an unsurpassed shooting opportunity. He is also a founding member of the Minnesota Bear Guides Association. Captain Frank House has been guiding guests for decades on Kabetogama, Namakan and Rainy Lakes, as well as smaller lakes in the surrounding area. ​Enjoy the spectacular fishing opportunities these lakes offer for walleye, northern pike and smallmouth bass fishing from spring opener through fall.


Frank House Guide Service 5091 Hwy 53 | Ray, MN 56669


(218) 875-3051 http://www.guidefrankhouse.com/


  • Minnesota
  • Voyageurs National Park


  • Adventure
  • Fishing
  • Hunting

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